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Interface ISDKOptions


  • ISDKOptions



Optional apiURL

apiURL: string

Base URL to Bugfender API


appKey: string

The app key to log into

Optional baseURL

baseURL: string

Base URL to Bugfender web dashboard

Optional build

build: string

App build identifier

Optional logBrowserEvents

logBrowserEvents: boolean

Register a handler for most common browser events to report them to Bugfender. Defaults to true.

Optional logUIEvents

logUIEvents: boolean

Register a handler for most common UI events to report them to Bugfender. Defaults to true.

Optional overrideConsoleMethods

overrideConsoleMethods: boolean

Override default window.console so it also logs to Bugfender. Defaults to true.

Optional printToConsole

printToConsole: boolean

Print also with window.console when Bugfender logging methods are called. Defaults to true.

Optional registerErrorHandler

registerErrorHandler: boolean

Register error handler for uncaught errors that reports a crash to Bugfender. Defaults to true.

Optional version

version: string

App version identifier

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